
Friday, 22 April 2011

HERO: Odysseus

Odysseus is snipping
Awalnya, saya cuma cari gambar tentang Odysseus, tapi dengan kata kunci Odyssey, yang keluar malah mobil semua. Yare-yare...(soalnya ada film Odyssey menceritakan tentang Odysseus). Gambar di atas ini adalah Odysseus yang saya ambil dari game. Kebetulan lagi pose sniping (kya-kya-kya!).

Hooray! Saya dapet tulisan yang oke - secara gramatikal dan kontekstual mengenai Odysseus. Heh? masih ngomongin dia? Ehehe. Gapapa kan? Saya mendapatkannya dari blog "Mrs. B's Workshop 2011". Selain Odysseus, banyak tokoh mitologi lain yang dibuat biografinya di blog ini: Hercules, Achilles, Ares, Calypso, sampai Cupid. Secara langsung dapat diklik disini.

You know what? Saya ingin membaca Odysseus karya Homer. Ada di toko buku nggak ya?

Oke, berikut ini secara langsung saya kutip apa adanya dari blog referensi saya. Saya harap bahasa Inggris pembaca oke sehingga tidak terlalu kesulitan mengartikannya.

The greatest explorer of all time, that title belongs to one man. I, Odysseus. I have traveled to the most treacherous realms of the earth, took down a mighty cyclopes, resisted the charming Circe, overcame the song of the sirens. No man is as brave or as cunning as I. My crew was great and were truly some of the bravest men I ever met. However, I was like their king. I ruled them as if they were my people. My decisions sometimes lead to their doom, but never to mine. I had no enemies, all of my enemies were destroyed. The tales of my adventures are quite popular and are featured in the story The Odysessy. This story tells of my journeys and adventures during the ten years after the fall of Troy.

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